A commercial aircraft flies overhead against a blue sky with white, puffy clouds. By Kyle Glenn via Unsplash.

Airline Client

Challenge: My client, a Dallas-based airline, needed to replace its aging proprietary operations software to better support the scale of its modern operation.

Solution: My team conducted and synthesized qualitative research at scale in a uniquely high-stakes environment.

I developed comprehensive research outputs that were foundational for the client’s digital transformation goals, including personas, wireframes, and journey maps.

A large component of this engagement after research was stakeholder education. I presented our research and recommendations throughout the company and helped various teams understand the far-reaching implications of our research findings.

Three mobile devices show screens from an application. The first shows a photograph of a skyscraper at night. The second, the same screen with a menu expanded with options like directory, amenities, and building services. The third shows a screen allowing a user to book a conference room, showing available time slots below a photograph of the room.

400 Record

Challenge: As part of their extensive renovations and rebranding, a building in downtown Dallas needed a way to feature new amenities and services and attract prospective tenants.

Solution: Prioritizing intuitive navigation and on-brand design, I created a mobile app that combined the client’s distinct needs into a single elegant solution.

With user-centric functionality and polished UI, the app enabled tenants to easily access conference room scheduling, hail a local shuttle, submit building work orders, and more.

A slide from a presentation shows a complex bar graph reflecting findings from user research.
A slide from a presentation shows 2 device screens showing wireframes with callouts showing findings from user testing.

Home Healthcare Client

Challenge: A home health technology and service company needed to better understand the challenges that faced its clinicians working in the field.

Solution: I conducted virtual interviews with clinicians across the country to understand their pain-points, and audited their onboarding procedure to understand gaps.

After synthesizing data from clinician interviews, we identified high-value features that could be added to their app experience to increase clinician productivity and happiness (and reduce turnover).

The final piece was creating a priority roadmap, enabling the client to execute future development.

A grid of storyboards, colorful hand sketches showing steps in a process, each with a caption describing an action taking place in the image.

Brain Health Startup

Challenge: My client created a first-of-its-kind at-home medical monitoring device designed to monitor sleep and screen for markers indicating increased risk for dementia. They needed to understand how potential users felt about the promise of such a device, and the day-to-day experience.

Solution: With a muti-pronged research and prototyping strategy, I helped the client understand the needs of their potential user-base in order to take their product to market.

Through a series of stakeholder workshops, I guided the client through the discovery phase, followed by storyboard research to understand pain points and opportunities. Finally, my team developed a proof-of-concept app prototype, used to facilitate remote user testing to gather sentiment around key features.